Our safe and straightforward Pools allow you to let your tokens do the work for you. Simply stake and start earning high-yielding rewards!
Stake Tokens to Earn $GZA!
Staking on GyozaSwap is simple and straightforward. With zero risks of impermanent losses, simply stake your tokens and start earning high yields!
Deposit Fees
For the native Pools on GyozaSwap, there will be no fees charged. This is a feature designed to encourage and to maintain the price of $GZA, particularly through high yields and zero fees. Non-native Pools will be charged a 4% deposit fee. A summary is detailed below.
Deposit Fee
Native (GZA Pool)
Non-Native (All other Pools)
Additional burn mechanics: 5% of each newly minted $GZA will be automatically burned when the harvest function is called upon. This helps reduce circulating supply and mitigate potential sell pressure, which will translate towards better $GZA price performance.
Last updated